KAA, B SIDE, 2023
This image was photographed in February of 2017 as part of the Kaa as Clay Woman-inspired set. It has remained in my heart and mind as one of my favorites from the contact sheet, and has never been printed until now. Presenting as a B-side and rarity from the archives, we will only make a few. It is a completely raw file, meaning the photograph and Kaa are in their completely natural state. Working within a vintage cross-processing use of color, the shadows move to the pink and blue that appear to give it a vintage 60s feel. Kaa Folwell, a contemporary Santa Clara pottery artist, is painted in white clay from a sacred source in Chemehuevi Valley with motion capture at 1/8000 of a second. Our tribes share the story of Clay Woman, a deity of the clay, and the image is a visualization of how her spirit is carried down through thousands of years through Native clay artistry.